Sunday, June 20, 2010

IFIT Committee Meeting Held

13 June, 2010 Jaipur

IFIT Jaipur chapter committee meeting held this Sunday at IFIT state Office in Adarsh Nagar, Jaipur. State Convener IFIT, Er Sayed Arif Ali presided the meeting and Jaipur Chapter convener Mr Muhammed Muqaddas convened the meeting. Following committee members were present during the meeting-

  1. Er Sher M Khan
  2. Er Abdul Gaffar
  3. Er Nadeem Ahmed
  4. Er Shahid Khan
  5. Er Zahid Khan
  6. Er Altaf Hussain

After hours of discussion following programs and decisions were made:

  1. Guest Lectures will be organized on Tough subjects of different streams of Engineering.
  2. One Day Workshop on SKADA Software will be organized.
  3. One Day Workshop on Personality Development will be organized.
  4. One Day Workshop on HFSS software will be organized.
  5. One Day Workshop on AUTOCAD software will be organized.
  6. Along with Student Membership, two more types of memberships will be there-
    1. Honorary Membership: Free membership for persons working in Industries.
    2. Institutional Membership: Free membership for persons working in Technical Institutions.

In-charges were also made for all the above activities. Next tentative date for committee meeting is 8th August, 2010.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

IFIT Chapter Launched in Jaipur (Rajasthan)

9 May, 2010 JAIPUR.
"The time demands that we should make a network of Professionals, so that we can assist each other in Education, career and job placements", said, Er Mohammed Qasim, Chief Guest at the inaugural ceremony of IFIT (Ideal Forum of Indian Technocrats) Chapter of Jaipur, Rajasthan. Mr Qasim works for IBM in Gurgaon.

The ceremony starts with the Recitation of Holy Quran by Er Faraz Ahmed followed by Group discussion on the topic "Challenges faced by Muslim Students". All the participants from 10 Engineering colleges share their views on the topic. Expert comments were delivered by Er Faiz Ahmed (JEN, RVVNL). He also spokes on the topic "Role of Muslim Professionals in the Reconstruction of Indian Society".

IFIT, State Convener Er Sayed Arif Ali in his speech shed the light on the Mission and Aims & Objectives of the Forum. "If we want to serve and contribute to our family, society and Nation than we must join IFIT", he opined.

In the afternoon session, a film screening session was also organized (managed by Er Abdul Gaffar) followed by Election of Local IFIT chapter convener and the members of IFIT, Jaipur Local committee.

Election Results:-
Local Jaipur chapter Convener: Mr. Mohammed Muqaddas (IIyr MCA Student)
Local Jaipur chapter Committee Members:-
1. Sher M. Khan (AIET)
2. Waqar Ali (ACEIT)
3. M. Shahjahan (Compucom Engg. College)
4. Abdul Gaffar (Gyan Vihar University)
5. M. Nadeem (Jaipur Engg. College)
6. Shahid Khan (Jaipur National University)
7. Zahid Khan (KITE)
8. Mudassir Ahmed (MJRP)
9. Munawwar Alam (Yagyavalak Institute of Technology)
10. Altaf Hussain (Jaipur Engineering College & Research Centre)
11. Shahid Khan (Shankara Institute of Technology)

Treasurer:- M. Nadeem (Jaipur Engg. College)

In the concluding session, special guest Er M Arif (Lecturer, SIT) motivated students to struggle their best. Worst situations in life will make us more strong and improve our personality, he added.

In his presidential address, IFIT State Convener Er S Arif Ali said, together we will work for Education, Ethics and Excellence which is the Motto of IFIT. Whole program was convened by Er Faraz Ahmed.