Sunday, June 20, 2010

IFIT Committee Meeting Held

13 June, 2010 Jaipur

IFIT Jaipur chapter committee meeting held this Sunday at IFIT state Office in Adarsh Nagar, Jaipur. State Convener IFIT, Er Sayed Arif Ali presided the meeting and Jaipur Chapter convener Mr Muhammed Muqaddas convened the meeting. Following committee members were present during the meeting-

  1. Er Sher M Khan
  2. Er Abdul Gaffar
  3. Er Nadeem Ahmed
  4. Er Shahid Khan
  5. Er Zahid Khan
  6. Er Altaf Hussain

After hours of discussion following programs and decisions were made:

  1. Guest Lectures will be organized on Tough subjects of different streams of Engineering.
  2. One Day Workshop on SKADA Software will be organized.
  3. One Day Workshop on Personality Development will be organized.
  4. One Day Workshop on HFSS software will be organized.
  5. One Day Workshop on AUTOCAD software will be organized.
  6. Along with Student Membership, two more types of memberships will be there-
    1. Honorary Membership: Free membership for persons working in Industries.
    2. Institutional Membership: Free membership for persons working in Technical Institutions.

In-charges were also made for all the above activities. Next tentative date for committee meeting is 8th August, 2010.